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Psychodiagnostic methods in psychiatric screening

Психодиагностические методики в психиатрическом скрининге.

E. D. Sokolova

I. Moscow medical institute named after I. M. Setchenov

Psychiatric screening is the primary procedure diming at revealing the persons with high probability of psycho- pathological states, who need subsequent clinical investigation. Development of psychiatric screening methods for large contingents examination gains particular urgency in connection with the task of the population universal dispensary system, of prophylactics and psychohygienic measures timeliness. The psychiatric screening importance also increases with the border — line states risk raising, and the side result of psychopharmacology progress is the increase of psychical derangements feebly pronounced forms.

Clinical investigation methods of large tested contingents require long periods of time and a great number of specialists participation. But even on these conditions they don’t provide the identical result evaluation because the lack of stringent diagnostic criteria leaves enough scope for subjective judgements. The use of psychodiagnostic methods, assuming quantitative evaluation has great advantages here as it provides objectiveness and statistical control and carrying out the necessary examination mass character.

For psychiatric screening carrying out it is expedient to use the methods based on different and mutually supplementing approaches. They make it possible to examine large chough contingents in acceptable periods of time and with admissable labour expenditures, and assume automated results processing procedure. As the main component of such complex questionnaire methods may be used which allow to evaluate personal specialities and actual psychic state of tested people, to carry out the comparison of data obtained with these of healty people group and with groups of people having some psychopathological syndromes. The person multilateral examination is the typical representative of this group techniques.

Valuable additional data may be obtained with the help of methods based on relatively independent and psychologically signifying characteristics extraction by means of factor analysis. Kettel’s sixteen personality factor test seems to be the most developed of this type techniques . And finally, taking into consideration the cognitive processes meaning for psychical adaptation efficiency, Raven’s progressive matrixies have been included into the psychiatric screening complex, due to their relative briefness of research and the educational level independence of result.

The named techniques formed the complex which has been used for examination of population unsampling contingents. To evaluate this complex efficiency the clinical diagnostics and psychodiagnostic investigation results have been compared, carried out independently and in different sequence.

The most valuable data for psychiatric screening have been obtained with the use of MMPI technique due to the clinical principle of scales validity setting up and well developed populational standard. 90, 7 per cent of tested people with clinically diagnosed forder-line psychopathological states had the technique profile differing from the populational standard by one clinical scale, that is it exceeded 70 T — numbers which excluded their belonging to the healtly population with the reliability of 95 per cent. With all that the shown difference for two thirds of tested patients (68, 5 per cent) exceeded 80 T — numbers, which practically excluded their belonging to the normative healthy group. The most defined technique profile peaks of 22 per cent of tested patients have been peaced in the 70 — 79 T -number interval. These groups gave significant differences in psychopathological effects definition and stability. In the first case the state was characterized mainly by outlined and stable psychopathological syndromes, in the second case the symptomatics was as a rule less defined and clear and was characterized by unstability.

The same results have been obtained while clinical identification of states, exposed by means of psychodiagnostical methods. In the oases when MMPI technique profile exceeded 80 T-numbers, clinically defined border-line psycho- pathological syndromes have been defined for all tested patients. If the technique profile leading peaks level was 70-79 T — numbers the psychical state was characterized by either relatively mild neurotic and psychopathic states, or by accentuated personal traits sharpening.

The shown examination doesn’t embrace unreliable results. But at the same time, as the unreliable profile (mainly by the F- scale) has been defined for 3, 2 per cent of patients with clinically diagnosed border-line states, such a result may serve as a base for repeated investigations or for dynamic clinical observation.

The use of Kettel’s sixteen personality factor test in psychological screening is conditioned with the necessity of raising the reliability of psychopathological states occurence exposure. Thought both maximal and minimal results on each test factor have been observed both with the presence and the absence of psychopathological effects, reliable correlations between the values of some factors and psychopathological effects presence have been marked. This relates particularly to the factors C (negative correlation) and (positive correlation) and also to the secondary factors, reflecting anxiety (F1) and frustration threshold (F3). The factors C and level importance for psychiatric screening well agrees with their change data under neuroses (7,9). C and F3 low values and Q4 and F1 high values with the absence of psychopatnological effects may be treated as their occurence high rick witness. Thought the lack of developed enough populational standard makes it necessary to carry out the Kettell’s test results analysis for each contingent under study, the outlined relationships is common for them. And not the outlined factors absolute values are of greatest importance for psychological screening, but their deviation level from the average value for the group under examination.

The outlined indicators informative capacity increases ever more of they are considered in definite relations as it has been made in indexes, proposed by F. B. Berezin . The reflect the relation of the frustration stress level to the behaviour integration (Q4/C) and to the frustration threshold (Q4/F3) and also the realized lability level (F1-F3) and correspondingly the stress level and the reduced resistance to the stress states, characteristic to the psychopathological effects development.

The Raven’s progressive matrixes technique including in the complex may allow the exposure of persons with unpsychotic psychopathological symptoms An some cases even with the lack of MMPI technique profile considerable increase, as the results decreasing reflects also some psychopathological effects. In particular the results decreasing has been marked in depressive states/ in asthenic and apathetic depressions mainly at the expense of pace decrease, in anxious depression — at the expense of errors number increase) or has been connected with graphic symbols peculiar perception.

Psychodiagnostical techniques allow to assess not only the psychopathological effects presence but their syndromological picture. The clinically exposed syndrome character has been defined reliably enough by the MMPI technique profile form, the similar thought not identical syndromological structure having been revealed: the neurotic (neurosis-like) syndromes predomination, mainly characterised with hypochondric, anxious and depressive symptoms. Among more rare psychopathic (psychopathic — like) states overvaluable formations and schizoid syndromes proportion was higher than that of explosive and hysteroid syndromes.

Under nosological analysis, which has revealed the greatest density of neurosis — 45, 8 per cent and psychopathies — 33, 9 per cent mild cerebral organic affection and endogenous diseases ambulatory forms made up the remaining part, the MMPI technique profile form reliably enough characterized the syndromological picture of the state, but reliable differences between averaged profiles of groups with syndromological picture of the same type but having different nosological diagnoses have not been found.

The obtained data confirm the psychiatric screening increasing importance in conditions which set heightened requirements for adaptive mechanisms: the frequency of borderline psychopathological states, exposed with such screening in different contingents of newly arrived population of Far North-East regions of the country, reliably (P 0, 05) exceeded the analogical indicator for comparable groups, examined in the central region. The same relationships is displayed in the examination of professional contingents (Civil Aviation air schools students in particular), whose activity requires vigilance reservation and quick problem — solving: the grafs differing in activity successfulness, differed also in the proportion of persons with MMPI technique profile out of 70 T — numbers. Apparently, psychic functions integration violations, perception and interpretation errors, connected with mild and obliterated psychopathological states forms may considerably disturb the professional activity.

The technique complex used provides sufficient objectivity (the results coincidence under independent researchers assessment) and reliability of obtained results. And the relatively short examination procedure period (about 2, 5 hours) and the possibility of large groups simultaneous examination allows to carry out psychiatric screening in wide — range mass investigations. All accounted confirm the psychodiagnostic technique use efficiency for the aims of psychiatric screening.

Psychodiagnostic methods in psychiatric screening

E. D. Sokolova

I. Moscow medical institute named after I. M. Setchenov

Psychiatric screening is the primary procedure diming at revealing the persons with high probability of psycho- pathological states, who need subsequent clinical investigation. Development of psychiatric screening methods for large contingents examination gains particular urgency in connection with the task of the population universal dispensary system, of prophylactics and psychohygienic measures timeliness. The psychiatric screening importance also increases with the border — line states risk raising, and the side result of psychopharmacology progress is the increase of psychical derangements feebly pronounced forms.

Clinical investigation methods of large tested contingents require long periods of time and a great number of specialists participation. But even on these conditions they don’t provide the identical result evaluation because the lack of stringent diagnostic criteria leaves enough scope for subjective judgements. The use of psychodiagnostic methods, assuming quantitative evaluation has great advantages here as it provides objectiveness and statistical control and carrying out the necessary examination mass character.

For psychiatric screening carrying out it is expedient to use the methods based on different and mutually supplementing approaches. They make it possible to examine large chough contingents in acceptable periods of time and with admissable labour expenditures, and assume automated results processing procedure. As the main component of such complex questionnaire methods may be used which allow to evaluate personal specialities and actual psychic state of tested people, to carry out the comparison of data obtained with these of healty people group and with groups of people having some psychopathological syndromes. The person multilateral examination is the typical representative of this group techniques.

Valuable additional data may be obtained with the help of methods based on relatively independent and psychologically signifying characteristics extraction by means of factor analysis. Kettel’s sixteen personality factor test seems to be the most developed of this type techniques . And finally, taking into consideration the cognitive processes meaning for psychical adaptation efficiency, Raven’s progressive matrixies have been included into the psychiatric screening complex, due to their relative briefness of research and the educational level independence of result.

The named techniques formed the complex which has been used for examination of population unsampling contingents. To evaluate this complex efficiency the clinical diagnostics and psychodiagnostic investigation results have been compared, carried out independently and in different sequence.

The most valuable data for psychiatric screening have been obtained with the use of MMPI technique due to the clinical principle of scales validity setting up and well developed populational standard. 90, 7 per cent of tested people with clinically diagnosed forder-line psychopathological states had the technique profile differing from the populational standard by one clinical scale, that is it exceeded 70 T — numbers which excluded their belonging to the healtly population with the reliability of 95 per cent. With all that the shown difference for two thirds of tested patients (68, 5 per cent) exceeded 80 T — numbers, which practically excluded their belonging to the normative healthy group. The most defined technique profile peaks of 22 per cent of tested patients have been peaced in the 70 — 79 T -number interval. These groups gave significant differences in psychopathological effects definition and stability. In the first case the state was characterized mainly by outlined and stable psychopathological syndromes, in the second case the symptomatics was as a rule less defined and clear and was characterized by unstability.

The same results have been obtained while clinical identification of states, exposed by means of psychodiagnostical methods. In the oases when MMPI technique profile exceeded 80 T-numbers, clinically defined border-line psycho- pathological syndromes have been defined for all tested patients. If the technique profile leading peaks level was 70-79 T — numbers the psychical state was characterized by either relatively mild neurotic and psychopathic states, or by accentuated personal traits sharpening.

The shown examination doesn’t embrace unreliable results. But at the same time, as the unreliable profile (mainly by the F- scale) has been defined for 3, 2 per cent of patients with clinically diagnosed border-line states, such a result may serve as a base for repeated investigations or for dynamic clinical observation.

The use of Kettel’s sixteen personality factor test in psychological screening is conditioned with the necessity of raising the reliability of psychopathological states occurence exposure. Thought both maximal and minimal results on each test factor have been observed both with the presence and the absence of psychopathological effects, reliable correlations between the values of some factors and psychopathological effects presence have been marked. This relates particularly to the factors C (negative correlation) and (positive correlation) and also to the secondary factors, reflecting anxiety (F1) and frustration threshold (F3). The factors C and level importance for psychiatric screening well agrees with their change data under neuroses (7,9). C and F3 low values and Q4 and F1 high values with the absence of psychopatnological effects may be treated as their occurence high rick witness. Thought the lack of developed enough populational standard makes it necessary to carry out the Kettell’s test results analysis for each contingent under study, the outlined relationships is common for them. And not the outlined factors absolute values are of greatest importance for psychological screening, but their deviation level from the average value for the group under examination.

The outlined indicators informative capacity increases ever more of they are considered in definite relations as it has been made in indexes, proposed by F. B. Berezin . The reflect the relation of the frustration stress level to the behaviour integration (Q4/C) and to the frustration threshold (Q4/F3) and also the realized lability level (F1-F3) and correspondingly the stress level and the reduced resistance to the stress states, characteristic to the psychopathological effects development.

The Raven’s progressive matrixes technique including in the complex may allow the exposure of persons with unpsychotic psychopathological symptoms An some cases even with the lack of MMPI technique profile considerable increase, as the results decreasing reflects also some psychopathological effects. In particular the results decreasing has been marked in depressive states/ in asthenic and apathetic depressions mainly at the expense of pace decrease, in anxious depression — at the expense of errors number increase) or has been connected with graphic symbols peculiar perception.

Psychodiagnostical techniques allow to assess not only the psychopathological effects presence but their syndromological picture. The clinically exposed syndrome character has been defined reliably enough by the MMPI technique profile form, the similar thought not identical syndromological structure having been revealed: the neurotic (neurosis-like) syndromes predomination, mainly characterised with hypochondric, anxious and depressive symptoms. Among more rare psychopathic (psychopathic — like) states overvaluable formations and schizoid syndromes proportion was higher than that of explosive and hysteroid syndromes.

Under nosological analysis, which has revealed the greatest density of neurosis — 45, 8 per cent and psychopathies — 33, 9 per cent mild cerebral organic affection and endogenous diseases ambulatory forms made up the remaining part, the MMPI technique profile form reliably enough characterized the syndromological picture of the state, but reliable differences between averaged profiles of groups with syndromological picture of the same type but having different nosological diagnoses have not been found.

The obtained data confirm the psychiatric screening increasing importance in conditions which set heightened requirements for adaptive mechanisms: the frequency of borderline psychopathological states, exposed with such screening in different contingents of newly arrived population of Far North-East regions of the country, reliably (P 0, 05) exceeded the analogical indicator for comparable groups, examined in the central region. The same relationships is displayed in the examination of professional contingents (Civil Aviation air schools students in particular), whose activity requires vigilance reservation and quick problem — solving: the grafs differing in activity successfulness, differed also in the proportion of persons with MMPI technique profile out of 70 T — numbers. Apparently, psychic functions integration violations, perception and interpretation errors, connected with mild and obliterated psychopathological states forms may considerably disturb the professional activity.

The technique complex used provides sufficient objectivity (the results coincidence under independent researchers assessment) and reliability of obtained results. And the relatively short examination procedure period (about 2, 5 hours) and the possibility of large groups simultaneous examination allows to carry out psychiatric screening in wide — range mass investigations. All accounted confirm the psychodiagnostic technique use efficiency for the aims of psychiatric screening.

Psychodiagnostic methods in psychiatric screening

E. D. Sokolova

I. Moscow medical institute named after I. M. Setchenov

Psychiatric screening is the primary procedure diming at revealing the persons with high probability of psycho- pathological states, who need subsequent clinical investigation. Development of psychiatric screening methods for large contingents examination gains particular urgency in connection with the task of the population universal dispensary system, of prophylactics and psychohygienic measures timeliness. The psychiatric screening importance also increases with the border — line states risk raising, and the side result of psychopharmacology progress is the increase of psychical derangements feebly pronounced forms.

Clinical investigation methods of large tested contingents require long periods of time and a great number of specialists participation. But even on these conditions they don’t provide the identical result evaluation because the lack of stringent diagnostic criteria leaves enough scope for subjective judgements. The use of psychodiagnostic methods, assuming quantitative evaluation has great advantages here as it provides objectiveness and statistical control and carrying out the necessary examination mass character.

For psychiatric screening carrying out it is expedient to use the methods based on different and mutually supplementing approaches. They make it possible to examine large chough contingents in acceptable periods of time and with admissable labour expenditures, and assume automated results processing procedure. As the main component of such complex questionnaire methods may be used which allow to evaluate personal specialities and actual psychic state of tested people, to carry out the comparison of data obtained with these of healty people group and with groups of people having some psychopathological syndromes. The person multilateral examination is the typical representative of this group techniques.

Valuable additional data may be obtained with the help of methods based on relatively independent and psychologically signifying characteristics extraction by means of factor analysis. Kettel’s sixteen personality factor test seems to be the most developed of this type techniques . And finally, taking into consideration the cognitive processes meaning for psychical adaptation efficiency, Raven’s progressive matrixies have been included into the psychiatric screening complex, due to their relative briefness of research and the educational level independence of result /8/.

The named techniques formed the complex which has been used for examination of population unsampling contingents. To evaluate this complex efficiency the clinical diagnostics and psychodiagnostic investigation results have been compared, carried out independently and in different sequence.

The most valuable data for psychiatric screening have been obtained with the use of MMPI technique due to the clinical principle of scales validity setting up and well developed populational standard. 90, 7 per cent of tested people with clinically diagnosed forder-line psychopathological states had the technique profile differing from the populational standard by one clinical scale, that is it exceeded 70 T — numbers which excluded their belonging to the healtly population with the reliability of 95 per cent. With all that the shown difference for two thirds of tested patients (68, 5 per cent) exceeded 80 T — numbers, which practically excluded their belonging to the normative healthy group. The most defined technique profile peaks of 22 per cent of tested patients have been peaced in the 70 — 79 T -number interval. These groups gave significant differences in psychopathological effects definition and stability. In the first case the state was characterized mainly by outlined and stable psychopathological syndromes, in the second case the symptomatics was as a rule less defined and clear and was characterized by unstability.

The same results have been obtained while clinical identification of states, exposed by means of psychodiagnostical methods. In the oases when MMPI technique profile exceeded 80 T-numbers, clinically defined border-line psycho- pathological syndromes have been defined for all tested patients. If the technique profile leading peaks level was 70-79 T — numbers the psychical state was characterized by either relatively mild neurotic and psychopathic states, or by accentuated personal traits sharpening.

The shown examination doesn’t embrace unreliable results. But at the same time, as the unreliable profile (mainly by the F- scale) has been defined for 3, 2 per cent of patients with clinically diagnosed border-line states, such a result may serve as a base for repeated investigations or for dynamic clinical observation.

The use of Kettel’s sixteen personality factor test in psychological screening is conditioned with the necessity of raising the reliability of psychopathological states occurence exposure. Thought both maximal and minimal results on each test factor have been observed both with the presence and the absence of psychopathological effects, reliable correlations between the values of some factors and psychopathological effects presence have been marked. This relates particularly to the factors C (negative correlation) and (positive correlation) and also to the secondary factors, reflecting anxiety (F1) and frustration threshold (F3). The factors C and level importance for psychiatric screening well agrees with their change data under neuroses (7,9). C and F3 low values and Q4 and F1 high values with the absence of psychopatnological effects may be treated as their occurence high rick witness. Thought the lack of developed enough populational standard makes it necessary to carry out the Kettell’s test results analysis for each contingent under study, the outlined relationships is common for them. And not the outlined factors absolute values are of greatest importance for psychological screening, but their deviation level from the average value for the group under examination.

The outlined indicators informative capacity increases ever more of they are considered in definite relations as it has been made in indexes, proposed by F. B. Berezin /10, 11/. The reflect the relation of the frustration stress level to the behaviour integration (Q4/C) and to the frustration threshold (Q4/F3) and also the realized lability level (F1-F3) and correspondingly the stress level and the reduced resistance to the stress states, characteristic to the psychopathological effects development.

The Raven’s progressive matrixes technique including in the complex may allow the exposure of persons with unpsychotic psychopathological symptoms An some cases even with the lack of MMPI technique profile considerable increase, as the results decreasing reflects also some psychopathological effects. In particular the results decreasing has been marked in depressive states/ in asthenic and apathetic depressions mainly at the expense of pace decrease, in anxious depression — at the expense of errors number increase) or has been connected with graphic symbols peculiar perception.

Psychodiagnostical techniques allow to assess not only the psychopathological effects presence but their syndromological picture. The clinically exposed syndrome character has been defined reliably enough by the MMPI technique profile form, the similar thought not identical syndromological structure having been revealed: the neurotic (neurosis-like) syndromes predomination, mainly characterised with hypochondric, anxious and depressive symptoms. Among more rare psychopathic (psychopathic — like) states overvaluable formations and schizoid syndromes proportion was higher than that of explosive and hysteroid syndromes.

Under nosological analysis, which has revealed the greatest density of neurosis — 45, 8 per cent and psychopathies — 33, 9 per cent mild cerebral organic affection and endogenous diseases ambulatory forms made up the remaining part, the MMPI technique profile form reliably enough characterized the syndromological picture of the state, but reliable differences between averaged profiles of groups with syndromological picture of the same type but having different nosological diagnoses have not been found.

The obtained data confirm the psychiatric screening increasing importance in conditions which set heightened requirements for adaptive mechanisms: the frequency of borderline psychopathological states, exposed with such screening in different contingents of newly arrived population of Far North-East regions of the country, reliably (P 0, 05) exceeded the analogical indicator for comparable groups, examined in the central region. The same relationships is displayed in the examination of professional contingents (Civil Aviation air schools students in particular), whose activity requires vigilance reservation and quick problem — solving: the grafs differing in activity successfulness, differed also in the proportion of persons with MMPI technique profile out of 70 T — numbers. Apparently, psychic functions integration violations, perception and interpretation errors, connected with mild and obliterated psychopathological states forms may considerably disturb the professional activity.

The technique complex used provides sufficient objectivity (the results coincidence under independent researchers assessment) and reliability of obtained results. And the relatively short examination procedure period (about 2, 5 hours) and the possibility of large groups simultaneous examination allows to carry out psychiatric screening in wide — range mass investigations. All accounted confirm the psychodiagnostic technique use efficiency for the aims of psychiatric screening.

Psychodiagnostic methods in psychiatric screening

E. D. Sokolova

I. Moscow medical institute named after I. M. Setchenov

Psychiatric screening is the primary procedure diming at revealing the persons with high probability of psycho- pathological states, who need subsequent clinical investigation. Development of psychiatric screening methods for large contingents examination gains particular urgency in connection with the task of the population universal dispensary system, of prophylactics and psychohygienic measures timeliness. The psychiatric screening importance also increases with the border — line states risk raising, and the side result of psychopharmacology progress is the increase of psychical derangements feebly pronounced forms.

Clinical investigation methods of large tested contingents require long periods of time and a great number of specialists participation. But even on these conditions they don’t provide the identical result evaluation because the lack of stringent diagnostic criteria leaves enough scope for subjective judgements. The use of psychodiagnostic methods, assuming quantitative evaluation has great advantages here as it provides objectiveness and statistical control and carrying out the necessary examination mass character.

For psychiatric screening carrying out it is expedient to use the methods based on different and mutually supplementing approaches. They make it possible to examine large chough contingents in acceptable periods of time and with admissable labour expenditures, and assume automated results processing procedure. As the main component of such complex questionnaire methods may be used which allow to evaluate personal specialities and actual psychic state of tested people, to carry out the comparison of data obtained with these of healty people group and with groups of people having some psychopathological syndromes. The person multilateral examination is the typical representative of this group techniques.

Valuable additional data may be obtained with the help of methods based on relatively independent and psychologically signifying characteristics extraction by means of factor analysis. Kettel’s sixteen personality factor test seems to be the most developed of this type techniques . And finally, taking into consideration the cognitive processes meaning for psychical adaptation efficiency, Raven’s progressive matrixies have been included into the psychiatric screening complex, due to their relative briefness of research and the educational level independence of result /8/.

The named techniques formed the complex which has been used for examination of population unsampling contingents. To evaluate this complex efficiency the clinical diagnostics and psychodiagnostic investigation results have been compared, carried out independently and in different sequence.

The most valuable data for psychiatric screening have been obtained with the use of MMPI technique due to the clinical principle of scales validity setting up and well developed populational standard. 90, 7 per cent of tested people with clinically diagnosed forder-line psychopathological states had the technique profile differing from the populational standard by one clinical scale, that is it exceeded 70 T — numbers which excluded their belonging to the healtly population with the reliability of 95 per cent. With all that the shown difference for two thirds of tested patients (68, 5 per cent) exceeded 80 T — numbers, which practically excluded their belonging to the normative healthy group. The most defined technique profile peaks of 22 per cent of tested patients have been peaced in the 70 — 79 T -number interval. These groups gave significant differences in psychopathological effects definition and stability. In the first case the state was characterized mainly by outlined and stable psychopathological syndromes, in the second case the symptomatics was as a rule less defined and clear and was characterized by unstability.

The same results have been obtained while clinical identification of states, exposed by means of psychodiagnostical methods. In the oases when MMPI technique profile exceeded 80 T-numbers, clinically defined border-line psycho- pathological syndromes have been defined for all tested patients. If the technique profile leading peaks level was 70-79 T — numbers the psychical state was characterized by either relatively mild neurotic and psychopathic states, or by accentuated personal traits sharpening.

The shown examination doesn’t embrace unreliable results. But at the same time, as the unreliable profile (mainly by the F- scale) has been defined for 3, 2 per cent of patients with clinically diagnosed border-line states, such a result may serve as a base for repeated investigations or for dynamic clinical observation.

The use of Kettel’s sixteen personality factor test in psychological screening is conditioned with the necessity of raising the reliability of psychopathological states occurence exposure. Thought both maximal and minimal results on each test factor have been observed both with the presence and the absence of psychopathological effects, reliable correlations between the values of some factors and psychopathological effects presence have been marked. This relates particularly to the factors C (negative correlation) and (positive correlation) and also to the secondary factors, reflecting anxiety (F1) and frustration threshold (F3). The factors C and level importance for psychiatric screening well agrees with their change data under neuroses (7,9). C and F3 low values and Q4 and F1 high values with the absence of psychopatnological effects may be treated as their occurence high rick witness. Thought the lack of developed enough populational standard makes it necessary to carry out the Kettell’s test results analysis for each contingent under study, the outlined relationships is common for them. And not the outlined factors absolute values are of greatest importance for psychological screening, but their deviation level from the average value for the group under examination.

The outlined indicators informative capacity increases ever more of they are considered in definite relations as it has been made in indexes, proposed by F. B. Berezin /10, 11/. The reflect the relation of the frustration stress level to the behaviour integration (Q4/C) and to the frustration threshold (Q4/F3) and also the realized lability level (F1-F3) and correspondingly the stress level and the reduced resistance to the stress states, characteristic to the psychopathological effects development.

The Raven’s progressive matrixes technique including in the complex may allow the exposure of persons with unpsychotic psychopathological symptoms An some cases even with the lack of MMPI technique profile considerable increase, as the results decreasing reflects also some psychopathological effects. In particular the results decreasing has been marked in depressive states/ in asthenic and apathetic depressions mainly at the expense of pace decrease, in anxious depression — at the expense of errors number increase) or has been connected with graphic symbols peculiar perception.

Psychodiagnostical techniques allow to assess not only the psychopathological effects presence but their syndromological picture. The clinically exposed syndrome character has been defined reliably enough by the MMPI technique profile form, the similar thought not identical syndromological structure having been revealed: the neurotic (neurosis-like) syndromes predomination, mainly characterised with hypochondric, anxious and depressive symptoms. Among more rare psychopathic (psychopathic — like) states overvaluable formations and schizoid syndromes proportion was higher than that of explosive and hysteroid syndromes.

Under nosological analysis, which has revealed the greatest density of neurosis — 45, 8 per cent and psychopathies — 33, 9 per cent mild cerebral organic affection and endogenous diseases ambulatory forms made up the remaining part, the MMPI technique profile form reliably enough characterized the syndromological picture of the state, but reliable differences between averaged profiles of groups with syndromological picture of the same type but having different nosological diagnoses have not been found.

The obtained data confirm the psychiatric screening increasing importance in conditions which set heightened requirements for adaptive mechanisms: the frequency of borderline psychopathological states, exposed with such screening in different contingents of newly arrived population of Far North-East regions of the country, reliably (P 0, 05) exceeded the analogical indicator for comparable groups, examined in the central region. The same relationships is displayed in the examination of professional contingents (Civil Aviation air schools students in particular), whose activity requires vigilance reservation and quick problem — solving: the grafs differing in activity successfulness, differed also in the proportion of persons with MMPI technique profile out of 70 T — numbers. Apparently, psychic functions integration violations, perception and interpretation errors, connected with mild and obliterated psychopathological states forms may considerably disturb the professional activity.

The technique complex used provides sufficient objectivity (the results coincidence under independent researchers assessment) and reliability of obtained results. And the relatively short examination procedure period (about 2, 5 hours) and the possibility of large groups simultaneous examination allows to carry out psychiatric screening in wide — range mass investigations. All accounted confirm the psychodiagnostic technique use efficiency for the aims of psychiatric screening.

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